
完形填空 No visitor was left in the museum n



       No visitor was left in the museum now, and John was walking around to check if everything was all
right.   1   he saw a beautiful painting lying on the floor. John   2   and gave it to the curator (馆长). 
       The curator called several museums to check if it was a stolen painting   3   no one claimed (认领) it.
So the curator decided to hang it.  4   said it was beautiful and had a very deep meaning. The curator
was   5   to have such a painting in his museum and congratulated John on his discovery. 
       Some weeks later a woman and her   6   came to the museum. While they were looking at that painting, the little boy began to   7  . The curator went over and asked what was making him so sad.
       The child pointed to   8   and said, “That’s my painting and I want it back.”
       “Yes,” said his mother. “He   9   it on the floor a few weeks ago. If you look carefully, you can see the name on the painting.” The curator   10   believe his ears when he heard the truth.
( )1. A. Suddenly
( )2. A. set it up
( )3. A. because
( )4. A. Everyone  
( )5. A. nervous
( )6. A. husband  
( )7. A. cry
( )8. A. John      
( )9. A. put    
( )10. A. might    
B. Actually  
B. picked it up
B. so      
B. Someone    
B. lucky     
B. s on      
B. shout  
B. his mother  
B. drew      
B. could      
C. Usually    
C. tried it out  
C. or        
C. No one       
C. proud      
C. daughter      
C. smile    
C. the painting  
C. found      
C. might not      
D. Quickly            
D. put it down        
D. but                
D. None                
D. worried            
D. friends            
D. laugh              
D. the curator        
D. left                
D. couldn't          


1-5 A B D A C  6-10 B A C D D


如图所示,直线OO′为某电场中的一条电场线,电场方向由O指向O′.一带电粒子沿该电场线运动,途经距离为S的A、B两点过程中,所用的时间为t,经A、B中间位置的速度为v1,经过A、B中间时刻的速度为v2,则下列判断中正确的是(  )




