
完型填空。 June __1__ a sister __2__ a brothe



      June __1__ a sister __2__ a brother. Her sister's name is Maria and her brother's name is Rick.
      June and Maria can __3__. June can sing and play __4__, but Maria __5__. Maria __6__ chess.
But she __7__ play chess with June. She plays chess with Rick. Rick can also play __8__. They get
on __9__ with each other. They love their __10__.
( )1. A. have      
( )2. A. and      
( )3. A. dances    
( )4. A. guitars  
( )5. A. can't    
( )6. A. like      
( )7. A. doesn't  
( )8. A. baseballs
( )9. A. good      
( )10. A. family  
B. has          
B. but          
B. dancing      
B. guitar        
B. don't      
B. liking        
B. isn't      
B. the baseball  
B. fine          
B. home  
C. there are  
C. with        
C. to dance    
C. the guitar  
C. can      
C. likes       
C. do        
C. baseball    
C. nice        
C. bedroom    
D. there is    
D. or          
D. dance        
D. one guitar   
D. do        
D. to like      
D. don't    
D. the baseballs
D. well        
D. room      


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