
下列现象的微观解释错误的是 现象解释A金秋季节,还未走进金阳县青花椒林,就闻到青














      How do you repair a broken friendship?I'll give you several tips below.

      To begin with,a real friend is a treasure (财富).You don't throw a friend away because your feelings got hurt or you are unwilling to discuss a misunderstanding.Don't let senselss things destroy your friendship.To me,if it's worth the fight,it is worth the sacrifice (牺牲).If you can't sacrifice to keep the friendship,

then maybe it isn't true friendship.

      Be willing to apologize even if the problem isn't your fault.The friendship is larger than who is at fault.If you can heal the friendship with an apology,then do so.Don't wait for your friends to realize how wrong

they are,or even to admit their share of guilt.Go to them.Make the first move.Raise the white flag first.

However you want to look at it,be willing to do what it may take to heal the relationship.Many friendships stay wounded or destroyed because both waited for the other to make the first move and neither did.

      Remind each other that the friendship is more important.A simple reminder of how special the

friendship is will go a long way to soften a hard heart.Be willing to take the higher ground.I have a policy in my marriage that if there is a disagreement in values,we always take the higher one.If you can't come up to your friend's level,you will begin to estrange him.I feel that the friendship is more important than my

personal position.The higher ground is always safer anyway.

     When repairing a friendship you must remember that together you can complete much more than either can separately.A friendship is full of synergy (协同作用).

1.According to the passage,in order to keep true friendship,________.

A.you should always please your friend

B.you need to make sacrifices sometimes

C.you need to do more for your friend

D.you shouldn't have disagreement with your friend

2.What should you do if you know it's your friend's fault and you want to repair the friendship according to paragraph 3?

A.Apologize to him.

B.Criticize him first.

C.Ask others to tell him.

D.Point it out to him reasonably.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Few people can get a real friendship.

B.Distance can easily break a friendship.

C.Wait long enough for both of you to calm down after misunderstanding.

D.The author advises reminding the importance of the friendship when it is broken.

4.We can infer from this passage that ________.

A.the author usually gives in to his wife

B.the author has a bad marriage

C.it's impossible for a friendship to last very long

D.it is easier for two to repair a friendship

5.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.how to apologize to your friend

B.how to make friends with others

C.tips on repairing a broken friendship

D.ways to create a treasure with friends







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