
完形填空 The Smiths live at 87 King Street.



     The Smiths live at 87 King Street. In the morning, Mr Smith    1    to work and the children go to
school. Their father    2    them to school every day.
     Mrs Smith stays at home every day. She does the    3   . She always eats her    4    at noon(中午).
In the afternoon, she usually    5    her friends. They often    6    tea together.
     In the evening, the children come home from    7   . They get home early. Mr Smith comes home
from    8    He gets home late.
     At night, the children always do    9    homework. Then they go to bed. Mr Smith usually reads
his newspaper. But sometimes he and    10    wife watch television.
( )1. A. go      
( )2. A. takes    
( )3. A. housewoks
( )4. A. supper  
( )5. A. see      
( )6. A. eat      
( )7. A. home    
( )8. A. works    
( )9. A. her      
( )10.A. his
B. goes    
B. take    
B. homework
B. breakfast
B. sees    
B. eats    
B. school  
B. work    
B. hi      
B. he
C. gets    
C. taking  
C. homeworks
C. lunch    
C. play    
C. has      
C. park    
C. home    
C. their    
C. him
D. get      
D. carry    
D. housework
D. milk    
D. goes    
D. drink    
D. zoo      
D. shop    
D. them    
D. her


1-5 BADCB   6-10 DBBCA


19世纪三四十年代,资本主义的基本矛盾日益暴露出来,资本主义世界大规模经济危机的周期性爆发,贫富分化加剧,阶级矛盾尖锐,马克思主义理论应运而生,它正确地反映了无产阶级革命的社会现实,批判了资本主义的生产方式,科学地揭示了资本主义的基本矛盾,为无产阶级推翻资产阶级专政提供了强大的理论武器。在马克思主义理论诞生的一百多年来,全世界掀起了 * * 主义运动的高潮,先后有十多个国家成立了无产阶级 * * ,建立了社会主义国家。

