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     Once considered a fringe(非主流的)food by the U.S. culinary mainstream, sweet potatoes are

fast becoming popular everywhere from fast food chains to expensive restaurants and the White

House table.

    Three years ago, the "Wall Street Journal" wrote in a front page article that except for their use in

a Thanksgiving dish, sweet potatoes were a wholly uninteresting food. Yet over the past two years,

the number of restaurants offering a sweet potato-based side dish has increased 40 percent. Food

giant ConAgra just spent $155 million to open the world's first plant devoted entirely to frozen sweet

potato products, and U.S. farmers are planning to harvest a record-setting 2 billion pound crop.

    "It's not something we believe is a fashion,"said Andy Johnston of ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston.

    According to research conducted by ConAgra, 30 percent of sweet potato eaters report consuming

the vegetable several times per month. Only 12 percent eat them only during the Thanksgiving and

winter holiday season.

    Analysts attribute the sweet potato's growing popularity in large part is due to sweet potato fries,

which account for the majority of the vegetable's presence in U.S. restaurants. In fact, Google searches

for "sweet potato fries" increased 40 percent over the past year.

    Sweet potatoes have also become popular among more conscious eaters, however, in part because

they are high in vitamins and have a low glycemic (血糖的) index in spite of their sweetness. Both

Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet have recommended sweet potatoes, roasted in a little oil

rather than fried, and doctors are recommending them for diabetics.

   "Within the diabetic community, it's become pretty common knowledge that sweet potatoes are good

for you, so there's a great appeal because so many people have diabetes now,"said Chef Michel Nischan, who helps host a TV show for people with diabetes.

1. From this reading passage we infer that ConAgra __________.

A. is one of the biggest food-making companies in the US

B. is one of the richest food-selling companies in the US

C. has asked American farmers to produce more sweet potatoes this year

D. has produced large quantities of sweet potato-based side dishes

2. According to the ConAgra research, the number of people who often eat sweet potatoes ________.

A. is increasing very quickly          

B. is not very big

C. is falling a little bit                

D. has nearly doubled

3. Which of the following may NOT encourage the sweet potato's popularity?

A. US restaurants recommend sweet potatoes to their customers as a vegetable.

B. Google searches show more and more people are becoming interested in sweet potatoes.

C. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins and low in glycemic index.

D. Sweet potatoes taste very sweet.

4. Chef Michel Nischan will certainly agree that _____________.

A. sweet potatoes should be fried

B. sweet potatoes should be roasted

C. sweet potatoes are good for diabetics

D. sweet potatoes can be made into many good dishes



材料一  在西方,“人文精神”一词应该是humanism,通常译作人文主义、人本主义、人道主义。狭义是指文艺复兴时期的一种思潮,……广义则指欧洲始于古希腊的一种文化传统。按照我对这一传统的理解,我把人文精神的基本内涵确定为三个层次:一、人性,对人的幸福和尊严的追求,是广义的人道主义精神;二、理性,对真理的追求,是广义的科学;三、超越性,对生活意义的追求。


材料二  超越性是广义的宗教精神。它往往是经验范围里解决不了的问题,但是我们人还是去追求这个答案。所谓超越性就是要为生命寻找一个意义,寻找一个比生命本身更高的意义,并不满足于活着,还要活得有意义,这就是超越性。


材料三 启蒙思想是个长期的国际性的发展过程,18世纪末在欧洲产生了重大影响……使人民以新的观念看待国家、 * * 机构、宗教生活。




(3)根据材料三和所学知识扼要说明,启蒙运动在核心思想、批判对象、政治追求方面是如何超越文艺复兴运动的?并简要分析其根本原因。( 7分)

