
Today Chinese people can enjoy longer an



Today Chinese people can enjoy longer and more holidays, such as the two“Gold Week Holidays” — the Spring Festival, National Day and Mid-autumn Festival and so on. They have more time to travel. Rising incomes(收入)also make it possible for ordinary(普通的) Chinese people to travel abroad .

Zhang Haitao, a middle school student in Shanghai will go to Japan with his parents during the Spring Festival. “Overseas(海外) touring has always been a dream of mine ,”Zhang Haitao said. “ How will you go to Japan, by air or by ship?” I asked him. “By ship. Traveling by ship is more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air.”“But a plane is much faster than a ship. ”“Yes. but you can’t see much during the flight while a sea trip will make you happier, because you can see waves, islands and even big fish.”

"Will you travel at your own expense(费用) ?"

"Certainly. Though my father’s job is to recycle rubbish, I’m very proud of him. He has saved lots of money in the last three years. What’s more, he has made a contribution(贡献)to protecting our environment.”

小题1:Now it is possible for the Chinese people to travel abroad(国外)because of  _______

A.less time

B.more money

C.shorter holiday

D.more work小题2:Zhang Haitao will go to Japan __________.

A.with his father and mother

B.with me

C.with his friends

D.with classmates小题3:Zhang Haitao is__________.

A.a middle school teacher

B.a Japanese student

C.a tour guide

D.a middle school student小题4:Zhao Haitao is proud of his father because his father ________.

A.only helps him make his dream come true

B.gave him so much money

C.did a great job to our environment

D.is hardworking


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这段长城是明代长城的一部分,在军事上有着极其重要的战略意义。它西面的古北口,是进关的必经之路,历来是兵家必争之地。明代大将徐达当初督修的这段长城,高不过一丈二尺,宽不过九尺。到明穆宗庆隆元年,戚继光镇守北疆,又调集士卒继续进行艰巨的修墙、筑台工程。一座座雄伟森严的敌楼,一个个坚实雄浑的战台,参差错落,巍然屹立于群山之巅,构成了一套完整的防御工事。据记载,在戚继光镇守北疆的十六年间,北疆边防没有出现过大的动乱。京师的安全得到了可靠的保证。这段话主要支持了这样一种论点,即( )。




