

题型:问答题 案例分析题



MBS公司将这种新的绩效管理方案定名为:个人业务承诺(Personal Business Commitments,PBC)制度,除了由各级主管做年终绩效考评外,员工亦可自己另外寻找6位同事,以匿名方式通过电子信箱进行考评,也称之为“360度反馈”。员工个人表现被评为3等时,代表本人未达成业务承诺(PBC),你必须更努力工作,以达更佳的业绩。如果得到特别差的4等时,你可能被给予“6个月留公司查看”的处罚(当然,被评为4等的人在公司占极小的比例)。评2等代表你达到目标,是个符合要求的好员工,评为1等的人称为[水上飞](Water Walkers),代表你是高成就者,超越自己的目标,也没做错过什么事情。按照PBC绩效考评体系的要求,年初该公司的每个员工都要在充分理解公司的业绩目标和具体的KPI指标的基础上,在部门经理的指导下制定自己的PBC,并列举出下一年中为了实现这些业绩目标、执行方案和团队合作这三个方面所需要采取的具体行动,这相当于员工与公司签订了一个一年期的业绩合同。员工在制定绩效计划时,自己应按下 * * 个领域设定年度目标。第一个承诺:承诺必胜(Win)。这里表达的是成员要抓住任何可成功的机会,以坚强的意志来励志,并且竭力完成。市场占有率是最重要的绩效评等考量。第二个承诺:承诺执行(Execute)。这里强调六个字,即行动、行动、行动,不光看你“怎么说”,更重要的是看你“怎么做”,以及取得的成果。第三个承诺:承诺团队精神(Team),即各个不同单位和岗位之间,默契配合,不能出现无谓的矛盾的冲突,绝不能在顾客面前让顾客产生疑惑。这种绩效考核对一般MBS公司成员具有重要意义,而对负有管人责任的各级主管,则需要根据员工意见调查(Employee Opinion Survey)、高阶主管面谈(Executive Interview)、门户开放政策(Open Door Policy)的反馈,另加一个评等系数,并且占有整体评等50%的权重。




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Hai is the general director of a company that manages bookings for a traditional dancing act that performs throughout Vietnam. He manages contracts with customers, as well as the administration arrangements for the act’s appearances, including hotels and travel.Hai concluded a contract with a concert organiser in Ho Chi Minh City. The contract specified the fee to be paid for the dancing act to appear, and a fixed sum to cover accommodation and travel from Hanoi. Three weeks before the concert in Ho Chi Minh City, Hai decided to organise flights for the performers but discovered that due to a fuel crisis the fares for the flights would be 60% more expensive than originally estimated. Hai decided to withdraw from the contract as he did not wish to incur a loss.Hai concluded a similar contract with a concert organiser in Da Nang. On the morning of the day on which the concert was planned to take place, the theatre was seriously damaged by fire, causing the cancellation of the concert by the organiser. The dancing act had already travelled to Da Nang and had paid for all travel and accommodation necessary for its appearance. Hai decided to invoice the organiser for the full fee and expenses incurred.Required:

(a) Discuss the potential liability of Hai’s company in respect of its withdrawal of the dancing act from the appearance in Ho Chi Minh City. (5 marks)
