
2001年国防费占GDP比重最低的国家是() A.德国 B.中国 C.日本 D.法国











“If you talk to the plants, they will grow faster and the effect is even better if you’re a woman.” Researchers at Royal Horticultural Society carried out an experient to find that the voice of a woman gardener makes plants grow faster.

The experiment lasted a month and by the end of the study scientists managed to discover that tomato plants grew up two inches taller when women gardeners talked to them instead of male.

Sarah Darwin was the one making the plants registered the best growth. Her voice was the most “inspiring” for plants than those of nine other gardeners when reading a passage from The Origin of Species. The great-great-granddaughter of the famous botanist(植物学家) Charles Darwin found that her plant grew about two inches taller than the plant of the best male gardener.

Colin Crosbie, Garden Superintendent at RHS, said that the finding cannot yet be explained. He assumes that women have a greater range of pitch(音高) and tone(音调) which might have a certain effect on the sound waves that reach the plant. “Sound waves are an environmental effect just like rain or light ,”said Mr Grosbie.

The study began in April at RHS Garden Wisley in Survey. Scientists started with open auditions(听力) for the people who were asked to record passages from John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer's Night Dream and Darwin's The Origin of Species.

Afterwards researchers selected a number of different voices and played them to 10 tomato plants during a period of a month. Each plant had headphones(耳机) connected to it. Through the headphones the sound waves could hit the plants. It was discovered that plants that “listened” to female voices on average grew taller by an inch in comparison to plants that heard male voices.

Miss Darwin said, “I think it is an honor to have a voice that can make tomatoes grow, and especially fitting because for a number of years I have been studying wild tomatoes from the Galapagos Island at the Natural History Museum in London.”

小题1:What does the passage talk about?

A.Plants enjoy men’s voices than women’s.

B.A botanical experiment in a museum.

C.Voice’s influence on plant growing.

D.Strange phenomenon(现象) at Royal Horticultural Society.小题2:What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Plants need sound as well as rain and light.

B.Sound is basic for the plant to grow.

C.Sound has a good effect as rain or light does.

D.Plants can’t live without sound, rain or light.小题3:Sarah Darwin is most likely a (an)_____.




D.environmentalist小题4:What can we learn from the passage?

A.The experiment ended in May.

B.Scientist can explain the findings clearly.

C.Plants enjoy listening to the passages from masterpieces.

D.The findings are of great importance to human beings.



Artificial flowers are used for scientific as well as for decorative purposes. They are made from a variety of materials, such as wax and glass, so skillfully that they can scarcely be distinguished from natural flowers. In making such models, painstaking and artistry are called for, as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure. The collection of glass flowers in the Botanical Museum of Harvard University is the most famous in North America and is widely known throughout the scientific world. In all, there are several thousand models in colored glass, the work of two artist-naturalists, Leopold Blaschka and his son Rudolph.

The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United States. Although it was never completed. It contains more than seven hundred species representing 164 families of flowering plants, a group of fruits showing the effect of fungus diseases, and thousands of flower parts and magnified details. Every detail of these is accurately reproduced in color and structure. The models are kept in locked cases as they are too valuable and fragile for classroom use.

It can be inferred from the passage that the goal of Leopold and Rudolph was to().

A.create a botanical garden where only exotic flowers grew

B.do a thorough study of plant structure

C.make a copy of one member of each United States flower family

D.show that glass are more realistic than wax flowers
