
阅读理解。 If you can speak English, you kno




     If you can speak English, you know a lot of English words.  You can read, speak and understand, But

there is another kind of language you need to know, the language of the body.

     All over the world, people "talk" with their hands, heads and eyes. When Japanese people meet, they

bow. When Indians meet, they put their hands together. What do American and British people do?

     Americans are more informal(非正式的) than the British.They like to be friendly. They use first names, they ask  questions  and  they talk easily about themselves.  When they sit down,  they like to relax in their

chairs and make themselves comfortable.

     British people are more reserved.  They take more time to make friends.  They like to know you before they ask you something of your home. When British and American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands.  They do not usually shake hands with people they know well.  Women sometimes kiss

their women friends,  and men kiss women friends.   When a man meets a man friend,   he just smiles, and

says "hello". Men do not kiss each other or shake hands.Even father and sons do not often kiss each other.

1. People can communicate with each other using _       .      

A. only words      

B. only body language.

C. only the English language

D. not only words but also body language

2. We can learn from the passage that __________.    

A. handshake and kiss can not be used in greeting

B. people can "talk" with their hands, heads and eyes

C. only a few people use people use body language.

D. body language is more often used by people than words

3. British people take more time to make friends because _________         

A. they are quite conservation

B. they don't like people to go to their homes

C. they are not as friendly as the Americans

D. they find it more interesting to stay alone

4. When Indians meet, they __________.

A. kiss each other

B. bow to each other

C. put their hands together

D. just smile

5. In the U. S. A. and Britain ___________.

A. men always kiss their men friends when they meet

B. people would like to shake whenever they meet their friends

C. women are likely to kiss each while men aren't.

D. father and sons often kiss each other


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请阅读分析下列短稿,并按照稿件加工整理的规范进行编辑加工。(本题14分)  任何成年作者对自己创作的作品都依法享有著作权。著作权作为一种民事权力,产生于作品创作开始之日,且具有排他性和绝对性的特点,并在空间和时间上都没有任何限制。  著作权包括人身权和财产权。防止专有的著作权权利被滥用,为了兼顾社会公共利益,著作权法一般都对某些人身权和财产权的行使有所限制。在我国,限制的方式有“合理使用”和“法定许可”两种,它们的主要区别在于是否要征得著作权人许可。譬如,乙期刊摘编甲期刊上刊登的某篇作品,就是一种“合理使用”。如果著作权人或者甲期刊事先已经声明不许摘编该作品,乙期刊就不能摘编;如果该作品末附有禁止摘编的声明,乙期刊就可以摘编,但必须注明该作者的作品以及甲期刊的名称和期号,并先以基础稿酬的形式向作者和甲期刊编辑部支付报酬,再在期刊出版后的3个月内支付印数稿酬。再如,作者A在自己的某部论著中为了说明某一问题而适当引用作者B已经发表的作品,这便是“法定许可”的形式之一。就是说,A不必征得B的同意就能引用,但要说明所用引内容的作者是B,并具体标明作品名称,还要向B及时支付使用费,否则,就会侵犯B的著作权。出版社苦出版了存在侵权情况的作品,要承担直接侵权责任。
