
阅读理解。 In Japan, there are many holidays




     In Japan, there are many holidays and other great days. We can tell only a few here.

     The fifth birthday of a boy is a great day in the family. The boy puts on a shirt like the one his father

wears. It is an important moment in his life and means that he must now be a manly little boy like his

father. He must smile when he has pain (疼痛) or trouble. He must carry on.

     The day a girl becomes seven years old is a big day in the family. She may now wear a sash ( 腰带)

like the one her mother wears. Her friends and her mother's friends come and drink tea and eat cakes.

It means that the girl must now be a womanly little girl and help in the home.

     One of the great holidays in Japan is the Emperor's (天皇) birthday. Instead of school, there are

picnics, sports and speeches (演讲), as we have on our fourth of July in America.


     1. an important monent 重要的时刻

     2. means 意味着

     3. a manly little boy 男子汉气概的小男孩

     4. must carry on 必须坚持

1. How many holidays and great days can you find in the story?

A. Four.

B. Three.

C. Two.

2. When a boy begins to wear a shirt like the one his father wears, _________.

A. he needn't go to school

B. he isn't boy

C. he must be a boy of strong character (品格)

3. Which birthday of a girl is a big day in her family?

A. The fifth.

B. The sixth.

C. The seventh.

4. Japanese children don't go to school on _________.

A. their fifth birthdays

B. their Emperor's birthday

C. their fifth and seventh birthdays

5. From the story, we can know the writer is from _________.

A. China

B. America

C. Japan


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答案:A 略


阅读下面的文言文,完成6~9 题。 答严厚舆秀才论为师道书 柳宗元严生足下:得生书,言为师之说,怪仆所作《师友箴》与《答韦中立书》,欲变仆不为师之志,而屈己为弟子。凡仆所为二文,其卒果不异。仆之所避者名也,所忧者其实也,实不可一日忘。仆聊歌以为箴,行且求中以益己,栗栗不敢暇,又不敢自谓有可师乎人者耳。若乃名者,方为薄世笑骂,仆脆怯,尤不足当也。内不足为,外不足当,众口虽恳恳见迫,其若吾子何?实之要,二文中皆是也,吾子其详读之,仆见解不出此。吾子所云仲尼之说,岂易耶?仲尼可学不可为也。学之至,斯则仲尼矣;未至而欲行仲尼之事,若宋襄公好霸而败国,卒中矢而死。仲尼岂易言耶? 马融、郑玄者,二子独章句师耳。今世固不少章句师,仆幸非其人。吾子欲之,其有乐而望吾子者矣。言道、讲古、穷文辞以为师,则固吾属事。仆才能勇敢不如韩退之,故又不为人师。人之所见有同异,吾子无以韩责我。若曰仆拒千百人,又非也。仆之所拒,拒为师弟子名,而不敢当其礼者也。若言道、讲古、穷文辞,有来问我者,吾岂尝瞋目闭口耶?吾子文甚畅远,恢恢乎其辟大路将疾驰也。攻其车,肥其马,长其策,调其六辔,中道之行大都,舍是又奚师欤?亟谋于知道者而考诸古,师不乏矣。幸而亟来,终日与吾子言,不敢倦,不敢爱,不敢肆。苟去其名,全其实,以其余易其不足,亦可交以为师矣。如此,无世俗累而有益乎己,古今未有好道而避是者。宗元白。(选自《柳宗元集》,有删节)

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