
完形填空。 A good dictionary is __1__ importa



     A good dictionary is __1__ important tool. It will tell you __2__ only what a word means but how it
 uses . A dictionary needs to be printed again about every ten years. Languages develop and a good
  dictionary must __3__ these new changes. A new English dictionary will only tell you __4__ most people
  use the language today. It will not tell you what is right __5__ wrong. It may tell you the right time to use
  a word. If only __6__ people use a word, a dictionary will __7__ tell you this or not list (编列) it.
     Every dictionary will tell you many interesting facts. If you type a word and the word is too long, 
 __8__  in your dictionary. All dictionaries show you __9__ to break (拆开) a word. And they also show
  you how a word __10__. Every dictionary , of course, tells you what a word means. But some words,
 like " get" or " take", may have dozens of meanings. In some dictionaries , the main meanings are often
  listed first. In __11__,  the newest meanings are listed last. So before you use your dictionary, you should
  always __12__ the front part. This part explains __13__. Some dictionaries also show you where a word
  comes from. . Do you know that the word " brand" comes from an old word? This old word means " to
 burn". This is because __14__ 18 years ago people burned their names on tables or boats to show who
  __15__ them. They also burned their own names on their farm animals __16__ they would not be stolen.
  Your dictionary also has a lot of other interesting facts in it. After you have learned to use a dictionary , it
  can become your most useful book
( ) 1. A. a            
( ) 2. A. no            
( ) 3. A. to show      
( ) 4. A. how          
( ) 5. A. and          
( ) 6. A. a little      
( ) 7. A. neither      
( ) 8. A. look up it    
( ) 9. A. when          
( ) 10. A. speaks      
( ) 11. A. another      
( ) 12. A. see          
( ) 13. A. how use it  
( ) 14. A. hundreds of  
( ) 15. A. builds      
( ) 16. A. when        
B. an              
B. that            
B. show            
B. what            
B. or              
B. many            
B. nor            
B. look for it    
B. where          
B. is spoke        
B. the other      
B. look            
B. to how use it  
B. hundred of      
B. makes          
B. in order        
C. the            
C. not            
C. shows          
C. why            
C. but            
C. a few          
C. both          
C. look it up    
C. why            
C. be spoken      
C. others        
C. watch          
C. how to use it  
C. a hundred of  
C. build          
C. so that      
D. very            
D. if              
D. be shown        
D. if              
D. not              
D. a lot of        
D. either          
D. look it out      
D. which            
D. is spoken        
D. other            
D. read            
D. to how to use it
D. hundred          
D. made            
D. before          


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某办公楼工程,钢筋混凝土框架结构,地下一层,地上八层,层高4.5m。工程拟采用泥浆护臂钻孔灌注桩,墙体采用普通混凝土小砌块,工程外脚手架采用双排落地扣件式钢管脚手架,位于办公楼顶层的会议室,其框架柱间距为8m×8m。项目部按照绿色施工要求,收集现场施工废水循环利用。 施工过程中,发生了下列事件: 事件一:项目部完成灌注桩的泥浆循环清孔工作后,随即放置钢筋笼、下导管及桩身混凝土灌筑,混凝土浇筑至桩顶设计标高。 事件二:会议室顶板底模支撑拆除前,试验员从标准养护室取一组试件进行试验,试验强度达到设计强度的90%,项目部据此开始拆模。 事件三:因工期紧,砌块生产7天后运往工地进行砌筑,砌筑砂浆采用手机的循环水进行现场拌制。墙体一次砌筑至梁底以下200mm位置,留待14d后砌筑顶紧。监理工程师进行现场巡视后责令停工整改。 事件四:施工总承包单位对项目部进行专项安全检查时发现:①安全管理检查评分表内的保证项目仅对“安全生产责任制”、“施工组织设计及专项施工方案”两项进行了检查;②外架立面剪刀撑间距12m,由底至顶连续设置;③电梯井口处设置活动的防护栅门,电梯井内每隔四层设置一道安全平网进行防护。检查组下达了整改通知单。

