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解:(1)+9-3-5+4-8+6-3-6-4+10=0(km)答: 出租车离在一中出发点。(2)+9+3+5+4+8+6+3+6+4+10=58(km)         58×1=58(元)答:司机一个下午的营业额是58元。



        Getting to Now: How to Beat the Procrastination Habit

  I am a procrastinator(拖拉者). I always have been. I've tried all sorts of things to beat the habit. Here are some techniques I've been using to try to force myself to get to now:

  Set aside blocks of time to do things. When I was talking with my wellness coach earlier this year, she asked me why I didn't exercise more often. “ 小题1: ,” I said. “Something always comes up.” She wasn’t impressed. “J.D.,” she said, “You have to make time. Make an appointment with yourself to run or to go for a bike ride.” The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate.

   小题2: . Often I’ll be sitting on the back porch reading a book, and it will occur to me that some chore needs to be done — mending the fence, for example. “ 小题3: ,” I tell myself. Wrong! What usually happens is that I forget to write it down, and even if I do, I just look at the list and procrastinate for weeks on end. The best move is to actually do the chore when I think of it. (Assuming, of course, that I have the time at that moment,which I usually do.)

  Use a timer to bring you back to reality. Part of the reason I procrastinate is that I'm a daydreamer.  小题4: . One way to keep on track is to use a timer. I use the Ultrak Jumbo Countdown Timer, but not as often as I should. I set it for 48 minutes. When it goes off,  小题5: : Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing?

  Do not multitask. I often start many things at once, but I never actually do any of them. In order for me to get something done, I need to focus my attention on it. Trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they'll all be unfinished tomorrow.

A.I’m always lost in thought

B.it brings me back to reality

C.If it comes to mind, then do it

D.I don’t have the time  E. it serves as an instant reality check

  F. Do it right away if you are asked to do something

  G. I need to write that down so I can remember it



项目 12月份(万人次) 同比增长(%) 全年(万人次) 同比增长(%)
接待过夜旅游者总计 333.50 24.3 3001.34 16.0
(一)过夜境内旅游者 322.96 23.5 2919.88 15.8
1.旅游饭店接待过夜人次 235.27 18.32 2123.51 14.33
2.社会旅馆接待过夜人次 87.69 39.8 796.37 20.0
(二)过夜入境旅游者 10.54 56.1 81.46 22.8
1.外国人 7.00 32.6 56.17 18.6
2.香港同胞 1.40 60.9 13.62 20.2
3.澳门同胞 0.13 160.0 1.13 43.0
4.台湾同胞 2.01 265.5 10.54 54.8
项目 12月份(亿元) 同比增长(%) 全年(亿元) 同比增长(%)
接待过夜游客旅游总收入 33.94 37.6 324.04 25.8
1.接待境内旅游者收入 30.83 36.5 299.47 27.1
2.接待入境旅游者收入 3.11 49.5 24.57 11.6

下列2011年。1—11月该省旅游统计数据中,同比增长速度大于全年的是( )。

