
任务型阅读。 请仔细阅读第1-5题中的五个段落,然后从A到F六个选项中选择他们最





1. Henry is not happy because his English is very poor. He wants to learn English well. What can he do?

2. Levy likes traveling very much. She wants to go to visit a western country.

3. Mike lives in China. But he doesn't like the Chinese food. He wants to have western food every day.

4. Cindy is from Australia. She lives in Guangzhou now. She wants to learn how to sing

    Cantonese (广东的) songs.

5. John is visiting a strange (陌生的) city. He wants a hotel to live in. He just has 300 yuan.

A. Cantonese Food

     In China, Cantonese food is very famous. Many Chinese like it. Our restaurant opens from 9 a.m .to

10 p.m. every day.

B. The United Kingdom

     The united Kingdom is a very beautiful western country. You can go traveling there.

C. Binbin Learning Center

     Do you like Cantonese music? The teachers here are very good. You can learn how to sing

Cantonese songs.


     Here you can have delicious western food-chicken, French fries and ice cream. You must like them.

E. Xinglong Hotel

     The rooms in our hotel are very big, but they are not expensive. Just 150 yuan a night. Welcome!

F. Language Classes

    Here are many language classes for you-English classes, French classes and Japanese classes. Come

and enjoy your learning.


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B 题目分析:A. Take your time别着急,慢慢来,B. That’s all right没关系, C. That’s right那是对的,D. My pleasure不用谢,句意:--对不起,妈妈,我考试没有考到前5名。--没关系,我知道你已经尽力了。选B。
