
阅读理解。 Liu Ting is a student of Zhejiang




     Liu Ting is a student of Zhejiang Forestry College. One month after he went to the college, he rented

a house outside the school and took his mother there. In this small room, they began their new life. Every

morning, as soon as Liu Ting gets up, he takes his mother's blood pressure (血压)-After that, he makes

breakfast and then goes to school. In order to manage daily cost, he has a part-time job in the school's

canteen (食堂). Thanks to this job, he can have free dinners and get 50 yuan a month. Besides, he is allowed

to bring meals to his mother from the canteen every day.

     Liu Ting doesn't have time to do his homework until his mother gets to sleep late at night. The 19-year-old

boy sleeps only six hours every day. It is no surprise that he got ill. "He was absent that day. We went to his

house to see what had happened. When we arrived, we saw that both he and his mother were lying in bed

because of illness," said his classmates.

     From then on, Liu Ting's story was known by his classmates and teachers. Even more people knew his

story after it was reported on TV. People donated over 200, 000 yuan in order to treat his mother's illness.

In late 2005, a hospital in Shanghai agreed to operate (手术) on his mother. Now his mother is getting better

and better. Liu donated the rest 40, 000 yuan to set up a fund (基金) to support other poor college students.

     Liu Ting said, "I know that there are people who have a better life. I just try my best to control my life and

make it better. I'll take part in more charity activities to express my thanks to society. I am very happy when

helping others."

1. What does Liu Ting do first every morning?

A. He fetches meals from the canteen.

B. He goes to school.

C. He makes breakfast for his mother.

D. He takes his mother's blood pressure.

2. Liu Ting got ill one day because _____.

A. he ate some bad food

B. he got up too late

C. he had only a short time to sleep

D. he watched TV too much

3. We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. his mother's operation was successful

B. he kept all the rest money as his own

C. his classmates knew his story from newspapers

D. he could get 50 yuan every year

4. The passage mainly tells us that _____.

A. Liu Ting has the ability to make money

B. Liu Ting is a person with great love

C. Iiu Ting goes to college with his sick mother

D. Liu Ting is willing to help his classmates


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某市某区人民检察院原检察长陈某约从 1996年起,与其妻汪某感情不合,随着时间的推移,矛盾不断加深,夫妻感情恶化,到了2008年 9月28日晚,陈某决意杀死汪某。之后,陈某趁汪某冲澡之机,将安眠药溶化于水杯中,待汪某洗完澡后让汪某服下。次日凌晨4时许,陈某见汪某已熟睡,便找来绳子将汪某手、腿捆绑,用刀在汪某胸、腹部刺了21刀,致其心、肺、脾破裂后失血性休克死亡。在刑事诉讼中,此案应由哪个机关立案侦查( )




