
阅读理解。 An old woman from the United Stat




     An old woman from the United States is helping develop a small Chinese village. She lived there when

she was a child.

     In the early 20th century, Eunice Moe Brokck's parents came to Shandong Province and they gave birth

to her there. As she grew up, Brock saw the poverty (贫困), illness and war in China. So when she left China

at the age of 13, she decided to come back to help the poor people there.

     After her husband died, the old woman sold her house, her car, her forest and other things and moved to

China in 1999. She lived in Liumiao Village in Liaocheng of Shandong Province to help the villagers there.

     Though she is now in her nineties, she is still busy helping them. In the past few years Brock built a

computer room for the village school with her own money, and bought desks, chairs and books for students.

She also has been trying to improve the medical care conditions in a number of villages. In Liumiao, every

child can play with toys in Brock's home. At Christmas she always buys a lot of candies and takes them to

schools for students.  

     "I'm an American, but I love China," she said.

1. Eunice Moe Brock was born _________.

A. in Shandong Province

B. in the United States

C. in the south of China

2. Brock returned to China _________ years ago.

A. nine

B. thirteen

C. twenty

3. From the passage we know that Brock is _________.

A. less than 90 years old

B. over 90 years old

C. a middle-aged woman

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Brock's husband died while she was in China.

B. The villagers got much money from Brock.

C. Brock has made a great contribution to the villages in China.

5. The best title for the passage is _________.

A. A Woman in China

B. A Poor Village in China

C. An American Woman with a Chinese Heart


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案情:肖某为了骗取保险金,花1万元买来一辆二手名牌轿车,通过在某国有保险公司担任业务员的好友杨某经办,向该保险公司谎报轿车价值为20万元,投保车辆盗抢、毁损险之后,肖某找赵某(男,15岁),给赵某5000元报酬,请赵某将停在肖某自家平房前的轿车烧毁。赵某问为什么,肖某说那是邻居的车,要烧掉报复邻居。赵某说没问题,10天以内解决。赵某拿钱后带上同学吴某(男,15岁)一起吃喝、上网吧。吴某问赵某哪儿来的这些钱,赵某告以实情,并请吴某帮忙,吴某答应,并弄来一大瓶汽油放在赵某家,准备点火用。此间,肖某担心轿车离自己家太近,烧车会烧到自家和邻居的房屋,就打电话告诉赵某放弃烧车,并让赵某将5000元钱退回。赵某已将钱花去大半,无法偿还,听后十分着急,一边答应停止行动,过几天退钱,一边通知吴某就在当晚行动。吴某答应,约定当晚在烧车地点会合。晚上,赵某带上汽油瓶到烧车地点,吴某因害怕未去。,赵某久等吴某未果,遂决定单独行动。赵某将汽油泼到车上,点火烧车,然后躲在一边察看动静。赵某见火势越烧越大,十分害怕,急忙打电话报火警,并急叫附近四邻灭火。由于赵某报警、喊人救火及时,仅烧毁轿车、烤糊了临近该轿车的几间房屋的门窗和屋檐,未造成其他后果。事后,肖某向保险公司索赔,保险公司派杨某核定险损事故。杨某明知肖某虚报保险标的价值、恶意制造了这起保险事故,但考虑是朋友关系,还是给其出具了保险事故评估证明,致使保险公司全额赔付肖某20万元保险金。 案发后,杨某在审讯期间主动交代:在3个月前曾利用职务上的便利虚构一起车险事故,从本公司骗领到5万元赔款,据为已有。 问题: 根据有关《刑法》规定及刑法原理,对本案进行全面分析。
