
阅读理解。 One day, Mr. Jacksontook Paul to




     One day, Mr. Jackson took Paul to his favorite restaurant. It was a French restaurant. The waiter was

from France, but he didn't speak to them in French. "Would you like to see menu?", he asked in a kind

way. "Yes, please,"  Mr. Jackson said.

     The waiter gave them a menu each. They studied them. "You can spend only twenty-five dollars,"

Mr. Jackson told his son. The waiter asked  Paul," What would you like, young man?"

     "How much is the tomato soup?" Paul asked.

     "Six dollars," the waiter said." It's very good."

     "How much is  the duck with orange?" Paul asked next.

     "Fifteen dollars," the waiter said.

     "How much is the chocolate ice cream?"

     "Six dollars," the waiter said.

     Paul added it up quickly. Six plus fifteen plus six is twenty-seven. He thought he could have the duck

and the soup, or the duck and ice cream. "I'll have the duck and the chocolate ice cream, please," he said

to the waiter.

     Paul said to his father, "My meal will cost only twenty-one dollars. Can I keep the other four dollars?

His father laughed."No, Paul," he said ,"leave it for the waiter."

1. How did the waiter speak to Paul and Mr. Jackson?

A. In a rough way.

B. In a friendly way.

C. In French.

D. Slowly.

2. What did Paul have for dinner?

A. The soup and the duck.

B. The duck and the ice cream.

C. The duck ,the soup and the ice cream.

D. The soup and the ice cream.

3. How much did Paul's meal cost?

A. $ 21.

B. $ 24.

C. $ 25.

D. $ 27.

4. What did Mr .Jackson tell Paul to do with the other $ 4?

A . Keep it.

B. Give it back to him.

C. Spend it on soothing else.

D. Give it to the waiter.

5. What does this passage tell us?

A. Paul and his father hate eating in restaurant.

B. Mr. Jackson 's favorite food is English food.

C. Paul was careful not to spend more than $ 25 in the restaurant.

D. Paul didn't know what to choose from the menu.


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参考答案:明文解析: 一般人们将加密前的文件称为明文,而加密后的文件称为密文,因此加密的目的就是将明文变成密文。而反过来将密文变为明文的过程则称为解密。


案情:花都市某单位退休干部区礼华退休后在郊区的老家建了一处宅院,在那里安度晚年。后来区礼华于1993年2月病逝,所建宅院由他的三个儿子区绍宽、区绍厚、区绍富继承。三兄弟在市区住房都很宽裕,就商量把郊区的宅院卖掉。龙家兄弟龙甲和龙乙愿意购买此房。于是,区家三兄弟与龙家两兄弟签订购房合同,约定龙家兄弟交付现金2万元。龙、区两家在达成协议后到房管部门办理了房屋过户手续。因为龙家一时凑不出2万元现金,双方又约定2个月后交付。2个月时间到了,龙家没有给钱,又过了4个月,区家兄弟多次催促龙甲,龙甲推辞说自己没钱,让他们向龙乙索要房款,并说明龙乙正做生意,手头有现金可付款。区家兄弟向龙乙索款又未果,区家三兄弟于是分别以龙乙为被告向同一法院起诉要求还款。法院受理后,认为区家三兄弟应为共同原告,将3人的起诉合并审理。在审理过程中,因区绍富出差在外,龙乙便与区绍宽、区绍厚在法院主持下达成调解协议,由龙乙支付 18000元作为购房款给区家兄弟。调解书送达区绍富时,其以当时自己不在场,调解未经其同意为由而拒收,仍坚持要求被告按2万元支付。

