




    Zidane was born in Marseilles in the south of France in 1972. His parents were Algerian (阿尔及利亚人)

and had moved to France in the 1950s. In 1989 at the age of 17 he joined Cannes football club. After three

years he moved to Bordeaux in 1992 and was voted (被选为) "Young Player of the Year". In the same year

he played in his first international match for France against the Czech Republic (捷克共和国). ①He

rescued (解救) the French team from disaster by scoring two goals near the end of the match. The final

(决赛) score was 2: 2.

    In 1996 he moved to Italy to join Turin's team Juventus. He has played in three European Cup finals, twice

for Juventus and once for Bordeaux. However, ②he was not in any of the winning teams and did not play at

his best in the three finals. Reporters describe him as one of the best midfield players (中锋) in the world. He

can turn fast, he can run past the opposing team. ③He can kick a ball onto just the right place for a team

member to score. In his 33 games for France before the World Cup, he scored 10 goals.

    Zidane is the hero of North African people who are living in France. These people have not had an easy

life in the past. They are among the poorest of the country and find it hard to get jobs.

    But the French team has at last shown the public that French people come from all over the world. Out

of the 11 players, four were born outside mainland France. Six other were born in France to non-French

parents."France's win and ④Zidane's playing has brought all French people together," said one reporter.

    In the World Cup in 1998, Zidane played well against Saudi Arabia, but was sent off the pitch by the

referee (裁判). (He stood on a Saudi Arabian player who had fallen over.) In the semi-final against Croatia,

he was still not at his best. When the day of the match came, France's fans were rewarded. Zidane

scored two out of France's three goals and was voted European Football of the Year. The President (总统)

of France said on TV, "We're happy and that's the least I can say. It's the best day of my life."

1. 根据文章内容,给下列段落大意排序(把序号写在下面的横线上)。

    A. What is he like as a person?

    B. His football history.

    C. The World Cup 1998.

    D. The French World Cup team.

    第一段( ) 第二段(     ) 第三段( ) 第四段(     )

2. 根据文章提供的信息完成下表。

     Name: ________________________________

     Age (now): ________________________________

     Born (place / date): _________________________________

     Parents (nationality): _________________________________

     Clubs (names and years): _________________________________



3. 为黑体字选出正确的释义。

    ( ) ①. He rescued the French team from disaster.

    ( ) ②. He was not in any of the winning teams.

    ( ) ③. He can kick a ball onto just the right place for a team member to score.

    ( ) ④. Zidane's playing has brought all French people together.

    (     ) ⑤. he was still not at his best. 

    A. He's good at helping his team-mates score.

    B. he was not playing as well as usual.

    C. The French team was saved from disaster by him.

    D. French people are now more friendly towards each other.

    E. His team didn't win the European Cup final.


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参考答案:根据资料二:①X公司的初始样本规模n=[20×(1.28+1.15)×4000/21000- 1500]2=(9.97)2=100;②样本平均错报=226.48/100=2.26;推断的总体错报=4000×2.26=9040元;③总体错报总额估计值...


探究区域(14 分)发展是人类社会永恒的主题。但不同区域的自然条件有优劣之分,社会发展水平亦千差万别。根据提供的图文资料,分析完成以下问题:

材料一:A、B 区域曾经是人类经济发展的重心,发源于这里的历次产业革命都对世界经济的发展、人类文明的进步产生了巨大的推动作用。材料二:咖啡树是热带性植物,不耐寒。其果实经过烘培、磨制即可烹制出咖啡。咖啡是人类社会流行范围最为广泛的饮料之一。

(1)区域判断 写出图中字母代表的区域名称。A                      B                    

(2)比较异同 比较法是学习区域地理常用的方法之一。请你比较 A、B 两区域地理位置的异同,完成下表。

(3)探究原因 根据所学知识,结合试题中的图文资料解释下列现象的原因。

① 简述 A 区域和 B 国东部人口稠密的原因。

② A 区域和 B 国东北部农业类型都以畜牧业为主,请任选一处分析原因。

③ B 国当地人喜欢喝咖啡,且 B 国是世界上的农业强国,为什么每年还要从 C 国进口大量咖啡?

(4)地图填绘 有一批咖啡从乙港口起航,运往甲港口,请在图中适当位置用曲线画出最短的海上航线。
