
选词填空 A. when B. month C. newspaper D. sp



     A. when   B. month   C. newspaper   D. spent   E. school   F. one
     G. work   H. past   I. pay   J. weather   K. put   L. because
     Bill was thirteen years old.  He was a school boy in seventh grade.  FIe was also a (1)_____ boy.
     Each morning Bill left The house at a quarter (2)_____ five to go to the corner.  He had to get newspaper there.
He always rode a bike to carry them.
     In the winter it was still dark (3)_____ he got iip, but it was bright in other seasons(季节). Bill had to send the
newspapers to the houses in all kinds of (4)_____. Bill had to (5)_____ each paper in the box where it was safe.
Once a (6)_____ he had to collect money from his customers(订户) at night.
     Bill made about $70 each month, and he was saving some of the money to go to college (大学). He (7)_____
the other money on books and clothes.
    At (8)_____ Bill studied hard. He was (9)_____ of the best students in his class. His teacher often praised(表扬)
him for his hard (10)_____.


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