
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Cha



The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was set up in 1988 to assess information on climate change and its impact. Its Third Assessment Report predicts global temperature rises by 2100 of between 1.4°C and 5.8°C. Although the issue of the changing climate is very complex and some changes are uncertain, temperature rises are expected to affect countries throughout the world and have a knock-on effect with sea-level rises.Scientists have argued about whether temperature rises are due to human activities or due to natural changes in our environment. The IPCC announced in 2001 that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is likely to be attributable to human activities". This was a more forceful statement than in 1996 when the Second Assessment Report stated that there was a "discernible human influence on the climate" which was the first time they had concluded such a link. Many experts believe the faster the climate changes, the greater the risk will be.Key points of the projections for climate change globally include that by the second half of the 21st century, wintertime rainfall in the northern mid to high latitudes and Antarctica will rise, that meanwhile Australia, Central America and southern Africa are likely to see decreases in autumn precipitation, that some land areas in the tropics will see more rainfall, and that there will generally be more hot days over land areas.

According to the author, climate researchers________.

A.are quite sure about why it’s getting hotter and hotter

B.declared that we humans are the cause why it’s getting hotter

C.have discussed the possible causes why it’s hotter

D.have claimed that changes in nature are the roots of hot days


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参考答案:C解析:细节题型。根据第二段第一句As a society becomes more highly developed,the overall status of older people diminishes.


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①修订《选举法》,变城乡居民的“同票不同权”为“同票同权” ②某省气象局利用自身的网络技术建立“农网”,为农民免费提供信息咨询 ③政府加大对圈地不建、哄抬房价等违法违规行为的查处力度 ④国家对农村义务教育阶段困难学生给予生活补助




