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案例五:一般资料:求助者,男性,76岁,退休干部。 案例介绍:求助者年轻时曾到外国留学,成绩非常优秀,回国后担任技术干部,是非常出色的业务领导,获得了很多荣誉。退休后对自己的生活不满意,和老伴经常吵嘴,认为老伴总是不听自己的,干什么都不合自己的意。不喜欢儿孙们回来,对他们有些看不惯。求助者目前最大的烦恼是,总觉得事事不如自己的意,家里人都反对他,心里十分痛苦,前来寻求帮助。心理咨询师观察了解到的情况:求助者自尊心较强,在业务上取得了突出业绩,容不得失败,追求完美。下面是心理咨询师和求助者的一段咨询对话:心理咨询师:您能具体说说您生气的原因吗?求 助 者:我和老伴常为一些家庭琐事吵架,她干什么总不合我的意,我说她,她也不听,说我太较真。女儿烦我,说干脆送我到养老院去。唉!我都快成孤家寡人了。我也不愿意孩子们回来,闹腾的很,他们做的很多事我都看不惯。我对自己要求很严,上学时,我的成绩非常优秀,门门都要求自己得一百分。工作后也非常出色,我们的科研成果总是走在行业的前列。我对两个女儿要求也很严,学习必须好,工作也要出色。社区里的老人我也看不上,他们不如我。但自己也苦恼,很多方面都不如以前了。心里咨询师:噢,我明白了,您的老伴、儿女都不太听您的话,这您很生气,是这样吗?求 助 者:那当然是,如果他们听我的话,我怎么会生气?心理咨询师:按您所说,您说话别人就应该听。求 助 者:是的,我说的都对,他们当然应该听我的。心理咨询师:您坚持认为一个人讲话,另一个人就应该听从,对吗求 助 者:对呀,他们必须听正确的。心理咨询师:因此,别人讲的正确,您肯定听,为您的健康劝您戒烟,您肯定听了,肯定戒烟了。求 助 者:对,……噢,不对,(沉默)好像不是,我女儿劝我戒烟,我也没戒。心理咨询师:您刚讲过一个人说的正确的话,另一个人应该听从,而您又讲了您女儿劝您戒烟,但您并没有戒,这似乎有些矛盾,请问您怎么解释求 助 者:(沉默)可我说的是对的,他们应该听我的。心理咨询师:您女儿劝您戒烟,是对还是错求 助 者:(沉默)心理咨询师:您想想,我们都有到餐馆吃饭的经历,您觉得回锅肉好吃,别人都要和您一样都吃回锅肉吗是不是可以各取所需,允许别人吃别的菜求 助 者:那倒是。心理咨询师:您对自己要求严格,别人也非要这样吗求 助 者:是的。心理咨询师:实际上呢求 助 者:(语塞)恰好不是这样,我说了他们不听。心理咨询师:怎么会您说了而他们不听求 助 者:你的意思是我说了他们,他们也可以不听心理咨询师:您说呢求 助 者:(沉默)难道他们真的可以不听心理咨询师:请您想一下,拿来几个土豆,都可以有几种吃法求 助 者:可以炒土豆丝,可以土豆烧牛肉,可以……我好像明白了,本来有多种可能的事,我就要求了一种。心理咨询师:您对别人提出要求,要求他们必须听您的,这是一种绝对化的要求,一种不合理的信念。如果您把对别人的“要求"变成“希望",当您不希望的事发生时,最多是一种失望,自己也就不会生气了。求 助 者:你讲得很对。心理咨询师:明白了吗说不说由您,听不听由他们,以后可别多管闲事,自找没趣了。







Remember the days when companies such as Microsoft and Mc-Kinsey took immense satisfaction from subjecting job candidates to mind-crunching strategy sessions If you thought that was rough, imagine an interview in which no amount of research or questioning of insiders will help. Imagine instead that all you can do is have a healthy breakfast, pick out your nicest suit, and hope for the best. In the new interview, they’re not just testing what you know. They’re also testing who you are.

It’s called the situational interview, and it’s quickly becoming a must in the job-seeking world. In the post-Enron culture of caution, corporations are focusing on an obvious insight: that a gold-plated resume and winning personality are about as accurate in determining job performance as Wall Street analysts are in picking stocks. Now, with shareholder scrutiny, hiring slowdowns, and expense-reducing, no manager can afford to hire the wrong person. Hundreds of companies are switching to the new methods. Whereas the conventional interview has been found to be only 7% accurate in predicting job performance, situational interviews deliver a rating of 54%—the most of any interviewing tool.

The situational technique’s superiority stems from its ability to trip up even the wittiest of interviewees. Of course, every applicant must display a healthy dose of occupational know-how, but behavior and ethical backbone play a big role. For example, a prospective analyst at a Wall Street bank might have to face, say, a customer with an account argument. It’s not happening on paper, but in real time—with managers and experts watching nearby. The interviewer plays the role of a fierce customer on the phone, angry about money lost when a trade wasn’t executed on time. It’s set up as an obvious mistake on the banker’s part.

Interviewers watch the candidates’ reactions: how they process the complex account information, their ability to talk the client down, what their body language displays about their own shortcomings, and which words they choose. In this instance, not being honest about the mistake or showing anger or frustration—no matter how glowing your resume—means you’re out.

Behavioral interviews are also being rounded out by other tools that, until recently, had been reserved for elite hires. Personality-testing outfit Caliper, for example, which probes candidates for emotional-intelligence skills and job ability, has seen its business jump 20% this year.

Clearly, the new interview isn’t without its drawbacks. Companies run the risk of arousing hostility in candidates, who may feel as if some line has been crossed into personal territory. Moreover, sortie companies worry about the fairness of personality tests. They have to make sure there are no inherent gender or racial biases in the test.

The situational interview is superior to the conventional in its ().

A.capability to catch the smartest applicants in misjudgments

B.possibility to lead the wisest candidates to behavioral mistakes

C.technique to make the cleverest interviewees be inaccurate

D.function to frustrate the brightest individuals by hard questions
