
President Bush takes to the bully pulpit t



President Bush takes to the bully pulpit to deliver a stern lecture to America’s business elite. The Justice Dept. stuns the accounting profession by filing a criminal indictment of Arthur Andersen LLP for destroying documents related to its audits of Enron Corp. On Capitol Hill, some congressional panels push on with biased hearings on Enron’s collapse and, now, another busted New Economy star, telecom’s Global Crossing. Lawmakers sign on to new bills aimed at tightening oversight of everything from pensions and accounting to executive pay.

To any spectators, it would be easy to conclude that the winds of change are sweeping Corporate America, led by George W. Bush, who ran as "a reformer with result." But far from deconstructing the corporate world brick by brick into something cleaner, sparer, and per, Bush aides and many legislators are preparing modest legislative and administrative reforms. Instead of an overhaul, Bush’s team is counting on its enforcers, Justice and a newly empowered Securities & Exchange Commission, to make examples of the most egregious offenders. The idea is that business will quickly get the message and clean up its own act.

Why won’t the outraged rhetoric result in more changes For starters, the Bush Administration warns that any rush to legislate corporate behavior could produce a raft of flawed bills that raise costs without halting abuses. Business has striven to drive the point home with an intense lobbying blitz that has convinced many lawmakers that over-regulation could startle the stock market and perhaps endanger the nascent economic recovery.

All this sets the stage for Washington to get busy with predictably modest results. A surge of caution is sweeping would-be reformers on the Hill. "They know they don’t want to make a big mistake," says Jerry J. Jasinowski, president of the National Association of Manufacturers. That go-slow approach suits the White House. Aides say the President, while personally disgusted by Enron’s sellout of its pensioners, is reluctant to embrace new sanctions that frustrate even law-abiding corporations and create a litigation bonanza for trial lawyers. Instead, the White House will push for narrowly targeted action, most of it carried out by the SEC, the Treasury Dept. , and the Labor Dept. The right outcome, Treasury Secretary Paul H. O’Neill said on Mar. 15, "depends on the Congress not legislating things that are over the top."

To O’Neill and Bush, that means enforcing current laws before passing too many new ones. Nowhere is that stance clearer than in the Andersen indictment. So the Bush Administration left the decision to Justice Dept. prosecutors rather than White House political operatives or their reformist fellows at the SEC.

We can learn from the first paragraph that()

A. the Justice Department seized on the plight of Enron’s workers

B. the White House recognized that stricter control is a political must

C. The President was determined to turn a reformed Andersen into a model

D. the White House responded ply to the Andersen’s scandal


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参考答案:对解析:参见教材P172。 【该题针对“效益和费用识别”知识点进行考核】





A、漏斗     B、烧杯     C、玻璃棒       D、铁架台      E、酒精灯











[资料三] 某市火腿肠生产企业2010年初占地60000平方米,其中办公楼占地5000平方米,房产原值460万元;生猪养殖基地占地28000平方米,房产原值1200万元;火腿肠生产车间占地16000平方米,房产原值1000万元;个业内部道路及绿化占地11000平方米。为扩大生产1月份新征用耕地5000平方米,建造加工车间,6月底转入固定资产600万元。企业拥有10辆载货汽车,其中自重吨位为15吨的4辆,10吨的6辆;拥有3辆载客小汽车。

该企业2010年应缴纳的车船税为( )元。




