
气体灭火系统集流管上的泄压装置的泄压方向()朝向操作面。A. 宜 B.不宜 C.应




A. 宜





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案例五:冯老先生现年78岁,和老伴相依为命,膝下有三个孩子,冯老大、冯老二、冯老三。冯老二三 年前因为车祸去世,留下两个儿子冯枫与冯强。冯老先生感到自己身体日渐虚弱,决定通过遗嘱分配自己的遗产。他先后留下两份遗嘱,第一份自书遗嘱将二老居住的价值40万的房屋留给大儿子.并由大儿子赡养老伴。第二份代书遗嘱将家中全部存款20万元平均分配给二儿媳妇和冯老三。2009年l2月30日,冯老先生突发脑溢血,被送往医院抢救,在治疗期间冯老先生曾一 度清醒,并留下口头遗嘱,将自己的全部遗产留给老伴。对此医院的医生与护士均可证明。后 冯先生因抢救无效死亡。根据案例五,请回答回答88~95题:

冯老先生的自书遗嘱( )。






The questions in this group are based on the content of a passage. After reading the passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.

Of all aspects of Indian culture, the caste system is perhaps the most bewildering to outsiders. For visitors unaccustomed to this system of hereditary social divisions, the complex and mostly unwritten rules governing whom a person can marry, what kind of work she can do, and even what kind of food she can eat may seem puzzling and mysterious. One reason for this confusion is that the concept of caste is actually divided into two separate but related concepts in Indian culture: varna and jati.

Varna, which literally means "color," is the most basic social division. There are four varna: the Brahmans, the traditional priest class; the Kshatriya, the warrior class; the Vaishya, the skilled workers and merchants; and the Sudra, laborers whose role is to serve the three higher classes. Below the Sudra are a class known as the Untouchables, who technically fall outside of the varna system because they are supposedly "unclean" in a ritual sense. The Untouchables are the lowest class in India, but they make life possible for everyone else because they take care of the jobs that would "pollute" the higher classes, such as working with dead animals or cleaning sewage. The Indian statesman Mohandas Gandhi, in an effort to promote social equality, encouraged people to refer to Untouchables as the Harijan, which means "Children of God."

Each varna is then divided into hundreds or thousands of jati, a term that literally means "birth." The jati are kinship groups with hereditary roles and professions, such as leatherworker or brick-maker. Observant Hindus have traditionally married within their varna and jati.

The origins of the caste system are obscure. The prevailing theory among anthropologists is that the Varna system emerged shortly after the so-called Aryan Invasion of the second millennium B.C. According to this theory, a population of Indo-European invaders conquered northern India around 1500 B.C. The Indo-Europeans placed themselves in the three highest rungs of society (Brahman, Kshatriya, and Vaishya), corresponding to the traditional division of Indo-European societies into priests, warriors, and commoners, while placing the conquered local populations into the worker classes of the Sudra and the Untouchables. This theory does not account for the jati system, however, which has parallels in no other Indo-European society. Most anthropologists suggest that the jati system predates the varna system, and that it might have originated in the Harappan civilization that prevailed in northern India prior to the Aryan Invasion.

What can we infer about the intentions of Mohandas Gandhi from the mention of him in the passage ?()

A. He wished to switch the respective socioeconomic positions of the highest and the lowest castes in Indian society.

B. He desired the reconciliation of India with Pakistan.

C. He rejected the so-called Aryan Invasion in favor of an autochthonous explanation for the roots of Indian culture.

D. He supported the cultural dominance of the Brahman "priest" caste over the Kshatriya "warrior" caste.

E. He wished to free a class of people from the stigma of an unfavorable name.
