



根据下述资料,投资报告显示,2002年中国合同利用外资金额达827.68亿美元,同比增长 19.62%;实际利用外资金额527.43亿美元,创历史最高水平,同比增长12.51%。而全球外国直接投资流入额则连续两年下跌,2002年下跌两成,跌至6510亿美元,为1998年以来的最低水平。截至2002年底,外商对华投资累计设立外资企业42.4196万家,现存注册运营的约22万家(工业企业约16万家),实现工业增加值8091亿元人民币,同比增长 13.3%,占全国工业增加值的比重达25.7%;出口额1699.37亿美元,同比增长 27.6%,占全国出口总的52.2%,其出口增加值占全国增加值的61.9%。外商投资企业2002年缴纳税收3475.33亿元人民币,同比增长21.9%,占全国税收总额的比重达20.44%。在外商投资企业中直接就业的人员超过2350万人,占全国劳动人口的比重约为11%。

2002年全国工业增加值为多少亿元人民币( )






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参考答案:A, B, C, D


On a summer day, John was sitting on a beach in Hawaii with his parents. The six-year-old child suddenly said he was so lucky because he had so many toys to play with at home.

His surprised parents replied that he was lucky, since a lot of kids didn’t have any toys at all. “How can that be?” John said, confused, but then he said that he would like to get toys for those children. His parents naturally thought their son was just kidding. But as soon as they returned home, John began using his pocket money to buy toys for other kids and asking his friends to do the same. His parents responded by organizing pizza suppers for other families interested in helping other children that can’t afford to buy toys. John thought that he just wanted to cheer those kids up.

John’s parents started to find a place that would allow children as young as six and seven to volunteer. They finally find a day care center for disabled children to let John and his friends visit. They went and played with these kids, playing around the room as if they belonged there.

John and his friends named their work Kids Cheering Kids. John and his friends visited kids at some childcare centers, helping out with a party they organized. They also prepared a performance for children with disabilities. Their activities have drawn public concern.

The spirit of helping is as fresh as it was that day in Hawaii. “The whole purpose,”

John says, “is to make the kids feel better.”

小题1:Why did John get toys for the children who didn’t have any toy at all?

A.Because he wanted to make them happy.

B.Because he wanted to show off his toys.

C.Because he wanted to share his toys with them.

D.Because he wanted to make friends with them.小题2:What was John’s parents’ attitude towards his plan?




D.Puzzled.小题3:What do we learn about Kids Cheering Kids?

A.It’s a children’s game enjoyed by John and his friends.

B.It’s a project started by John to help other kids.

C.It’s a program performed by John and his friends.

D.It’s an after-school activity planned by John’s friends.小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?

A.An unforgettable vacation

B.A valuable experience

C.Let kids cheer kids

D.Let kids learn to share
