
下列语句的输出结果是______。 char s[20]= "aaaa",*sp=



char s[20]= "aaaa",*sp=s;


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文章Ⅱ “居眠り”は体によいことなのですか? 答えはイエスでもあり、ノーでもあります。単純には判定できません。もともと昼寝は、幼児期には毎日の習慣であったのが、学齢期になると許されなくなったものです。51これは、学校や一般社会が決まった時間表を持っていて、昼寝をやめさせてしまう からです。多くの文明国では、自宅での昼寝はともかく、学校や職場での昼寝や居眠りは悪徳だとする考えが支配的のように見えます。公共の場での仮眠は、わずかに乗り物とか公園とか映画館のようなところでしか容認されていないようです。人間の眠気を時間を追って記録すると、夜間の睡眠に向けて増大するばかりでなく、正午を過ぎたころにも小さなピークが出現します。52このピークを、単なる気の緩みと見るか、休息の必要性の現れとして社会が容認するかどうかで、成人の睡眠パターンに昼寝が組み込まれるかどうかが決まってきます。人間の眠りは、生理的な欲求よりも文化的拘束面のほうが優先するのです。しかし一方では、多くの文明国で、( 53 )、能率の低下にとどまらず、判断の誤りや交通事故などがこの時間帯に多発しています。もちろん、主睡眠期の夜間に無理して働いている場合には、さらに深刻な問題が発生していることはよく知られているとおりです。これらの現象は、われわれが自然の原理を軽視した54「代償」を受けているということになるのでしょう。そんなわけで、無理して起き続けるより、少しだけ昼寝して脳を休息させるのは理にかなったことです。ただし、昼寝によって生物時計の針が狂わないように、また、夜間の主睡眠の内容に大きな変化を与えないように、むやみに長く寝ないように気をつける必要があります。 注:仮眠/打盹儿。眠気/睡意。ピーク/最高峰。代償/补偿。







Cut off from society

You're on your way to school as usual when suddenly an invisible barrier appears out of nowhere, trapping you underneath it and isolating you from the outside world. What do you do?

This is the scary experience the residents of a fictional town called Chester’s Mill are going through in the US TV series Under the Dome. Based on famous US author Stephen King’s 2009 best-selling novel, the show has become “the highest-rated summer show in 21 years” since debuting (首播) on June 24, reported the New York Post.

The series begins with the dome (穹顶) making its alarming appearance. As the earth trembles and birds take off, an enormous, invisible barrier slices down, cutting the town off from the rest of the world.

The residents quickly realize they are trapped, probably for quite some time. Families are separated, emergency services are unreachable and water, food and fuel are strictly limited.

There is no way out or in. But who or what is responsible? Nobody knows. Thus, the residents are at the mercy of unknown forces and their internal conflicts.

While it provides an enjoyable TV thrill ride, the movie’s science fiction is closely linked with reality.

“Not only is it worrying, suspenseful (悬疑的) and full of splendid special effects, but it has big thoughts about environmentalism and the future of the commented The Denver Post planet,”

As King himself explained to The Telegraph: “The dome is a microcosm (微观世界) of life. We all live under the dome. We live on this little blue planet and so far as we know that’s all we’ve got,” he said. “The resources that we’ve got are the resources that we’ve got; they’re limited.”

But the show explores many themes in addition to environmental destruction. It also shows “how quickly the social order we take for granted can disappear when people are isolated and afraid”, said the Los Angeles Times.

It is “a science-fiction social study”, said The Washington Post. “Once the people of Chester’s Mill realize they are indefinitely trapped without means of food supply, outside communication and power, their polite sense of small-town, American civilization begins to fall apart.”

小题1:The underlined word “isolating” in the first paragraph probably means _______.




D.distinguishing小题2:In the TV series Under the Dome, _______.

A.the dome, which appears out of nowhere, doesn’t have huge effects on the residents’ lives

B.it takes a long time for residents to realize they are trapped by the invisible dome

C.because of the dome, the residents in the small town become more united and helpful D.not knowing what has D.happened, the residents feel helpless against unknown forces

小题3:Why is the TV series closely linked with reality according to the article?

A.Because it is suspenseful and uses splendid special effects to reflect modern life.

B.Because it gets us to think about the future of the earth and the importance of environmental protection.

C.Because it attaches great importance to following the social order even in frightening situations.

D.Because the residents in the TV series live almost the same life as ordinary Americans do.
