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     The doctor handed me my medicine and said sorry to me because his register (收银机) had already

closed. He asked if I would mind using the register at the front of the store. I told him not to worry and

walked up front. One person was in line ahead of me, a little girl no more than seven with a bottle of medicine

on the counter (柜台). She held a little green and white coin purse closely to her chest (胸口).

     The purse reminded me of the days when, as a child, I liked dressing myself up in my grandma's clothes.

One day, wearing her large clothes and hat, I went out to buy something. I gave a fake (假的) dollar to the

shop owner, but he handed back some real coins for my purse."Keep the change!" he told me with a smile.

     Now, with both hands shaking, the little girl pulled out a dollar bill and some coins for her medicine. As

she tried to count her money, I could see right away that she was about a dollar short. Quickly, I put a dollar

bill onto the counter. The child collected her change into her coin purse and ran out.

     As I walked to my car, I felt a tug (用力拉) on my shirt. There was the girl, looking up at me with her

big brown eyes. She gave me a smile, and put out her little hand. It was full of coins. "Thank you," she said.

     "That's OK," I answered, smiling. "Just keep the change!"

1. The doctor said sorry to the writer because ________.

A. his register had broken down

B. his register had closed

C. he was busy

D. he had used up his medicine

2. Which of the following statements about the little girl is Not true according to the passage?

A. She was careful.

B. She didn't have enough money for the medicine.

C. She was kind.

D. She returned the dollar to the writer.

3. The writer helped the girl because ________.

A. the girl had no money

B. the girl wanted to use some fake money

C. the girl made the writer think of her own childhood

D. the writer was very rich

4. What does the underlined word "short" mean?

A. 矮的

B. 短的

C. 不足的

D. 短缺的

5. The writer told the girl to keep the change because ________.

A. the writer didn't need it

B. the writer wanted to pass on love

C. the writer was in a hurry

D. the writer didn't like coins


“班级” 表 班级号 班级名称 人数
11 计算机200801班 44
22 计算机200802班 50
33 计算机200803班 49
44 计算机200804班 46
55 计算机200805班 48
“学生” 表 学号 姓名 性别 年龄 班级号
S1 李志明 男 18 33
S2 万力佳 女 19 11
S3 李凤 女 20 22
S4 赵洪波 男 24 33
S5 刘鹏 男 22 44
S6 王晓晓 女 20 22
S7 张文静 女 22 11
S8 汪菁菁 女 19 44
S9 刘立洋 男 20 11

SELECT 班级名称,姓名 FROM 班级,学生:
WHERE 班级.班级号=学生.班级号;
AND 年龄>=20 AND 性别="男";
执行该语句后,查询结果中共有几条记录,且第一条记录的学生姓名是( )。

A.2 刘鹏

B.2 刘立洋

C.3 刘鹏

D.3 刘立洋
