
The committee charged with recommending a



The committee charged with recommending a compensation package for members of a firm’s board of directors has recommended that in addition to compensation of $10000 for each board meeting attended, board members will be able to use one of the firm’s corporate jets up to twice each year and will receive a finder’s fee of 0. 1% if they identify an acquisition target that the firm acquires while the member is still on the board. Are these policies consistent with good corporate governance practices Use of Jet Finder’s fees()①A. Yes Yes ②B. No Yes ③C. No No

A. ①

B. ②

C. ③


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参考答案:B解析:A floor sets a minimum coupon rate for a floating-rate bond and protects the security owner from decreases in rates. A prepayment option is included in many amortizing securities and allows the holder to make additional payments against outstanding principal.
